From Career Pathways Tutorial
ADA/504 Accessibility Compliance
Viewing Roadmaps
- The transition to using the Canvas technology for rendering roadmaps also enables end-users and Roadmap creators with vision impairments to zoom the view of each Roadmap to a certain extent.
- Using the browser's zoom functionality a Roadmap viewer can zoom a Roadmap in or out of normal view.
- Zooming out too far will cause certain components of the Roadmap to appear broken, or missing color.
Text-Only View
- A URL to an Accessible (text-only/ADA Compliant) version of your drawing is available in the
Drawing Properties page, accessible from the drawing list or VERSIONS menu.
- The URL for the drawing will always have the word "text" within the URL, like this:
- The "Accessible" URL will always link to the published version of that drawing.
- This view eliminates all the graphical components of the roadmaps, and is suitable for viewing in any browser or using a screen reader.
- Include a link to this URL on your web page where you have embedded the full Roadmap drawing so that visitors can access a version of your drawing that will be compatible with screen readers.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: In order for a Roadmap to function in this view, it must be created using Connections that link boxes and content together. If a drawing does not use connections, it will still be visible in this view, however it will be difficult to navigate. It is the responsibility of the Roadmap creator to assure their Roadmaps are created in a way to support this representation.