The Roadmap & POST Drawing Lists

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The Roadmap & POST Drawing Lists

Both of the Roadmap Drawings and POST Drawings feature lists function the same way. To access, click the desired Web Tool feature from the side navigation menu.

  • The drawing list interface allows you to filter drawings by:
Image:FOrganizations.png, Image:FUsers.png and Image:FPrograms.png
  • Upon log-in, these filters default to the logged-in user's organization and user name, with the drawing list (located beneath the filter boxes) showing only drawings that the logged-in user has created or edited.
Roadmap Drawing Filter Boxes
POST Drawing Filter Boxes

Filtering Drawings

  • As you navigate the Web Tool these filter boxes will remember changes to the selections that you make.
  • Results are listed beneath the filter boxes. If no results are found (none) is displayed.
  • All drawings are listed in alphabetic order, first by Organization, then by drawing Occupation/Program title underneath the filter boxes.
  • Each drawing reflects who created and last modified the drawing.

Basic Filtering

  • Click the Image:MyDrawings.png icon above the drawing list to restore default settings for the logged in user.
  • POST Drawings have an additional option to click the Image:AffiliatedDwgs.png icon above the drawing list to view drawings for all Community Colleges in your "affiliations" network, as well as all drawings created by the logged in users organization.
  • Click [Show All] under Image:FOrganizations.png to view a list of all drawings for all organizations.
  • Users and Occupations/Programs will automatically [Show All].
  • Click [Show All] under Image:FUsers.png to view a list of all drawings by all users for your organization.
  • Click on a specific Image:FPrograms.png to list all Organizations (and corresponding drawings) that have been created with that specific title.

Advanced Filtering

  • Click on any single Image:FOrganizations.png or Image:FUsers.png name to view corresponding results.
  • Select multiple Image:FOrganizations.png, Image:FUsers.png or Image:FPrograms.png by holding down the CTRL key while clicking multiple selections with your mouse. Corresponding results will be listed.

Search Bar

  • The search bar, Image:Search.png, located above the drawing list filters allows you to perform keyword searches.
  • Keyword search queries will update the drawing list based on keywords found in drawing titles, drawing content, and user names.
  • Click Search or hit ENTER on your keyboard to submit the search query.

Drawing Versions

  • When a new drawing is created, the drawing title and "Version 1" is automatically added to the drawing list.
  • Drawing versions are listed beneath the drawing title in descending (reverse) numeric order, so that the most recent version is on top.
View of Roadmap Drawing List Detail
View of POST Drawing List Detail
  • Each version has two links listed to the right of the version number:
  • wrench.png Version Settings, and
  • pencil.png Draw/Edit Version or picture.png View Version
  • The report.png Published Version icon will appear directly to the right of the version number if it is the currently published version. View Published Drawings or Publish This Version for more information.

Editing Versions

  • You can only pencil.png Draw/Edit Versions created by your own Organization.
wrench.png Version Settings provides a summary of the drawing Occupation/Program, version number, who created and modified that version, a link to share that specific version with others, and the ability to delete this version. View Version Settings and Deleting Drawing Versions for more information.
pencil.png Draw/Edit Version means the drawings is available to be edited, copied, and/or published. pencil.png is displayed when that version has never been lock.png "Locked" or report.png "Published". The word Draft is stamped as a watermark in the background of the drawing.
picture.png View Version means the drawings can no longer be edited, but can be viewed and copied into a new version. picture.png is displayed when that version has been or currently is lock.png "Locked" or report.png "Published". If currently published, the drawing canvas will not have any watermark stamps in the background. If previously published, the drawing is stamped Outdated and you can either "page_copy.png copy this version" to edit the drawing, or re-publish the drawing by clicking "report_go.png publish this version" again.

Read-Only Priviledges for High School Users

Read-Only priviledges allows high school users the ability to picture.png view drawing versions and printer.png print this version from the TOOLS menu, as well as have access to URL links for the "published" versions for linking POST and Roadmap drawings together.