From Career Pathways Tutorial
Due to browser compatibility issues, please use the latest version of Google Chrome or FireFox when using the Career Pathways Roadmap Web Tool.
Log In
From the Web Tool login page:
- Type your full Email address, for example
- Type your personal, case sensitive, Password - either temporary or previously created.
- Click click
to enter the site.
Forgot Your Password?
From the Web Tool login page:
- Click the link for Rest Password above the login form.
- Type your full Email address, for example, in the form field provided.
- Click
to receive a temporary password by email.
- Within minutes you will receive an automated email with a temporary password to login.
- NOTE: If you have received this email in error, please ignore it. Your current password will still be valid.
- Click on the hyperlink, as shown below, to automatically log-in using the temporary password:
- Or, copy and paste the temporary password at the bottom of the email to log-in manually. (Note: If your browser is set to remember passwords, make sure to type in the new temporary password.) Here is an example:
- 84CA1A
- Click
to enter the site.
- You will be automatically redirected to the Change Password page for your user account.
- Create and confirm your new password.
- Add complexity to your new password by mixing uppercase and lowercase letters and numbers; 6-8 characters are recommended.
- Write it down in a secure place.
Once Logged In
- Your user name will appear at the top of the page under the Career Pathways Roadmap Web Tool header, and will be visible on every page of the Web Tool:
- From here you also have links to:
- My Account
- Change Password, and
- Log Out
- Visit the Dashboard tutorial for further orientation.
Edit Account Details
- Click My Account at the top of the Web Tool to change the following account details:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Job Title
- Phone Number
- Email (this is your log-in ID!)
- Click
to save. You will be redirected to the Users list.
Change Password
- Click Change Password at the top of the Web Tool.
- Enter a new password in the form field provided.
- Add complexity to your new password by mixing uppercase and lowercase letters and numbers; 6-8 characters are recommended.
- Write it down in a secure place.
- Confirm the new password, but entering it again in the second form field provided.
- Click
to save.
- A confirmation message will confirm that your password was successfully changed, and provide a link to "Continue". If clicked, this link will direct you to the Dashboard.
Drawings Associated with This User
- Click My Account at the top of the Web Tool to get quick access to the list of all drawings associated with the logged-in user.
- All features to view and edit drawings are functional here.
Note: This list currently only reflects Roadmap Drawings. POST Drawings will be added to this list soon.
Log Out
- When you are finished working in the Web Tool, click Log Out in the top-right corner of the Web Tool to end your session.
- If you work at a shared computer, this will prevent other users from working in your account and making accidental changes to your drawings.