Due to cross-browser issues, please use FireFox 3.0+ or IE 7 when working in the Career Pathways Roadmap Web Tool: https://oregon.ctepathways.org
Contents |
For questions, technical assistance, or training needs please email helpdesk@ctepathways.org and we will get back to you by the next business day.
All of these online resources are available whether or not you are logged in to the Web Tool.
Tutorial 0 Offers a link to the online Getting Started Tutorial, which provides step-by-step instructions for all Career Pathways Web Tool features.
Release Info 0 An archive of release notices for all Web Tool updates/upgrades, since Web Tool version 2.0 was released in March of 2008.
ADA Compliance 0 A summary of how the Web Tool is striving to ensure accessibility and compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
Help 0 An automated form to submit questions and requests for technical assistance and/or training needs. Emails can also be sent directly to: help@ctepathways.org.