High School POST Drawings

From Career Pathways Tutorial

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Due to browser compatibility issues, please use the latest version of Google Chrome or FireFox when using the Career Pathways Roadmap Web Tool.



POST Drawing List

Click the above link to learn about navigating the drawing list and utilizing dynamic filter box tools to browse drawings created by all organizations in the Web Tool.

Drawing Properties

Here you have access to detailed information and properties settings about each POST drawing, as a whole - inclusive of all versions created for that drawing.

Adding a New Drawing

Each drawing must have a unique Occupation/Program name. The Web Tool stores and references each drawing by organization abbreviation and drawing Occupation/Program name.

  1. Click Image:NewDrawing.png at the top of the drawing list to create a new Roadmap drawing.
  2. Type a short and descriptive Occupation/Program title for your drawing, such as "Business", "Construction", or "Accounting".
    • Please do not add your Organization's name or abbreviation to the title. It is automatically added by default.
  3. Your Organization name is confirmed below.
  4. Select an applicable Career Cluster from the drop-down list.
    NOTE: This will be displayed under the drawing title bar on your roadmap drawing.
  5. Click Image:Create.png
  6. Your new drawing and Version 1 has now been created. You are now viewing the drawing canvas to start creating your new drawing.
    • Your organization abbreviation, the Career Pathways logo, and drawing title are automatically placed in a title bar at the top of the drawing canvas. These are fixed. To edit the title, see Renaming POST Drawings.

Importing a POST Drawings from Excel

Click the above link to learn about using this feature to import Plan of Study Templates that have been completed in Excel. Download the Excel (.XLS) template to help with formatting data for importing.

Renaming POST Drawings

Click the above link to learn how to rename your POST Drawings.

TOOLS Orientation

  • View the sidebar HELP menu to the left of the drawing canvas for a complete list of features.
  • Table cells, that appear yellow when hovered over can be edited.
  • Click to edit cell content in pop-up windows.
  • Right-click table cells for a menu of quick editing options.

Table Row Content

  • A WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor allows for text entry and basic formatting, including the ability to add multiple hyperlinks and spellcheck.
  • Selected legend symbols will automatically display in a legend under the table. Click F5 to refresh your screen to see changes to the current version.

Column Headings (override defaults)

  • Edit the default column headings by clicking on the desired column header, when it is highlighted in yellow, to edit the description in a pop-up window.
  • Change the text in the field provided, as desired, and click "Save" or hit ENTER on your keyboard to save and return to the drawing.
  • Defaults to the column heading can be permanently changed by High School Administrative users only. Refer to High School Settings for more information. Changes affect only NEW drawings.

Degree Options (right-side vertical column)

  • Using your mouse to highlight the degree table cell in yellow, click to select the appropriate degree option from a pre-determined list.

Quick Editing Options

  • To easily move content, click, drag-and-drop content from one cell to another.
  1. Click the text, and begin dragging.
  2. The original table cell will remain highlighted in yellow. The text will move with your mouse and appear grey in a floating box.
  3. Drop the text into the desired empty cell. All content, including hyperlinks and selected legend symbols, will move with this feature.

Right-click main table cells to:


  • Select cut.png Cut from the menu. Content is cut from the cell.
  • Right-click any cell (blank or with existing content) to paste the cut content.


  • Select page_white_copy.png Copy to duplicate content. Content will remain in original cell copied.
  • Right-click any cell (blank or with existing content) to paste the copied content.


  • Select page_white_paste.png Paste to paste cut or copied cell content.
  • Right-click any cell (blank or with existing content) to paste content.


  • Select page_white_delete.png Clear to delete cell content without opening the content pop-up window.

Configure Rows & Cols

Click "Close", or "X" on the pop-up window to return to the drawing without saving your changes.

Rows in your Drawing

  • Click table.png configure rows & cols from the TOOLS menu to add:
  • rows for additional grade years (duplicates are allowed for additional content)
  • rows for course electives (below grade years), and
  • blank rows at the bottom of the table for additional content.
  • The grey numbers in parenthesis next to the row name, for instance (0) or (4), indicate how many table cells have content in them.
  • Click arrow_left.png to the left of the "Add Row" option to instantly add additional rows. The "Rows in your Drawing" section will update to display the selected change.
  • Click cross.png to delete a row.
  • Include header notes? - click the checkbox to disable/enable
  • Unless manually deleted from the row, any existing content will stay in the header notes row and made visible or hidden depending on whether this box is checked or not. Hidden content will copy to new drawings or new versions.
  • Include footer notes? - click the checkbox to disable/enable
  • Unless manually deleted from the row, any existing content will stay in the footer notes row and made visible or hidden depending on whether this box is checked or not. Hidden content will copy to new drawings or new versions.


  • Click Delete Last Column to remove columns one at a time, starting far-right.
  • Click Add Column to add columns one at a time, to the far-right side of the table.

Block Diagram

  • All row and column changes are instantly reflected in the Block Diagram.

Click "Save</a>" to close and return to the POST Drawing with saved changes, or "<b>Close" or "X" on the pop-up window to return to the drawing without saving your changes.

POST Drawings - Headers & Footers

Click the above link to learn how to customize free type content (e.g. program overviews, prerequisites, links to published Roadmaps, disclosures, degree credit offerings) in the header and footer rows for your POST Drawings.

Sample POST

Here is a screen shot of a completed sample POST Drawing for a Oak Harbor High School:

Deleting Drawings

There is no way to recover deleted drawings! Click the above title link to learn more.

Lock This Version

This feature is ideal when you are collaborating on a drawing, or want to compare versions without the risk of making accidental changes, and you are NOT ready to “publish”. Click the above title link to learn how!

Copy This Version

For copying existing drawings as new versions or as templates for new drawings. Click the above title link to learn more!

Print This Version

Click the above link to learn how to render a printer-friendly version of your POST Drawing from your browsers print menu.

Print To PDF

PDF documents are now automatically generated on the Web Tool server and always render the currently published version of your Roadmap Drawing, just like the HTML Links do. Click the above link to learn more!

Publish This Version

Published drawings are publicly accessible. If you are ready to embed or link to a drawing in a public website, click the above link to learn more!